
No matter what you are looking for, we have a tutorial and how-tos to help you.

Getting started - Installing LibreWeb Browser

Visit the releases page. Download the correct package for your operating system / distribution.

Advanced users - Verifying GPG signature of LibreWeb Browser

Verifying the LibreWeb Browser via GNU Privacy Guard (GPG), used to verify the authenticity of the binary. Expand the how-to below.

Show How-to verify LibreWeb applications via GPG.

How to deploy my site/blog?

LibreWeb is using the markdown format as the document source-code, instead of HTML code.
LibreWeb will load, parse and display the markdown files, directly within the LibreWeb Browser, visually.

If you are already using static site generators like Hugo or Jekyll to generate your site, you are already future-proof for LibreWeb (the difference is you don’t need the build step).

LibreWeb has a built-in markdown editor that allows you to easily write your own site without the need for technical skills. Moreover, LibreWeb will soon have additional features that will allow you to deploy fully functional sites and rich content on IPFS - like you can with Hugo and Jekyll - without the need to know or write any HTML.

How to browse content?

Currently, you can visit pages by using the address bar at the top of the LibreWeb browser.

WIP: Once we have a decentralized nameserver solution in place (IPNS or alike). You will be able to visit pages using a human readable domain names.

How to find other websites?

WIP: We way want to implement a decentralized store, where you can store your meta-data about your website. No spider/webcrawler or centralized solution should be needed to search the decentralized web.

In the meanwhile, you need to know the content hash (also known as CID) of the file/site you want to visit.

How to contribute to LibreWeb Documentation?

In order to contribute to LibreWeb Docs (this site), you should be have some basic knowledge about:

  1. Git - See below
  2. Markdown syntax - Take a look at the markdown basics

After this, you should be able to edit a page (notice the: “ Edit this page” link in the right-top corner).
Fork the git project in GitLab. Edit directly in GitLab. Or add your SSH public key to your GitLab profile and execute: git clone (change your_username) to fork project locally on your computer. Next, go to the project folder: cd docs-website.

You should now be able to make changes in your fork you just cloned on your computer.
The git development cycle is as follows:

git remote add upstream # Add the original repository as upstream remote in git
git checkout master # Be sure we're on the master branch
git commit -am "My changes" # If applicable, commit your changes (execute "git add -A" before, if you also added new files)
git fetch upstream # Get the latest changes from upstream remote
git rebase upstream/master master # Rebase with the upstream remote into your local master branch fork. We prefer rebase over git merge
git push

The last step is creating creating a merge Request in GitLab. Select your fork and branch as the source and select libreweb/docs-website with the master branch as target.

Instead of making your changes directly on your master branch, it’s advised that you create small incremental changes via separate branches.
Create a new branch via: git checkout -b my_new_branch_name.


I attached a well written book about Git. As well as a handy Git cheat sheet, which you can download below: